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Acceptance of risk 

I name declare not to be under the effects of alcohol and psychoactive substances, I also declare to know and understand the risks involved in participating in this type of activities, such as thermal shock , dehydration, skin lesions, musculoskeletal injuries or death, which can not be completely eliminated. Also the activity goes on rural off road streets and public national roads with motorized traffic. As a biker you need to follow all the general traffic rules such as always stay on the right side on the road etc.  In case of any kind of traffic accident on the bike the company will not respond. Even if there is compliance with security standards accredited by the provider, with the purpose of reducing the risks that the development of this activity involves .I also acknowledge that hiding information could cause serious harm to me and other participants. I accept my responsibility for damages caused by the omission of information. In case of thefts by outsider none of the stolen items will get replaced, covered or payed back. In case of any mechanical problem of the car the company will have the right to fix the car without paying an other transport for to get the clients right away out of the stuck place. But the company needs to fulfill the responsibility to bring back the clients to their accommodation place. The company does not respond if the client loses the next transport connection to go to another place. Even if there is compliance with security standards accredited by the provider, with the purpose of reducing the risks that the development of this activity involves. I also acknowledge that hiding information could cause serious harm to me and other participants. I accept my responsibility for damages caused by the omission of information. NOTE. The above information contains important factors in case of accidents , so it will be a duty of Bike Multi Activity to inform the conditions and requirements for the development of the activity, as well as it is the duty of the participants who take the service to inform themselves adequately of the conditions in with the service is provided. I also declare under oath that all the information I have informed Bike Multi Activity is true and complete.

Acceptance of the conditions of sustainability: I declare that I accept the conditions of sustainability hosted by Bike Multi Activity with include a) the prohibition of illegal traffic in flora and fauna, which has penalties of up to 90 months in prison and fines of up to 15,000minimum wages according to the code Penal Colombiano b) Prohibition of the consumption of eggs and meat of wild origin c) the outright prohibition of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents CSEC. Also I accept the prohibition of throwing garbage into the ground or outside of the windows of vehicles.

Privacy Notice: Bike Multi Activity, located in km 5 san Gil via Mogotes, Santander, Colombia in compliance with the provisions of Personal Data Protection, Law 1581 in 2021 and Order 1074 of 2015 states that any personal data of its clients or any other contact, that has been obtained or is obtained in the development of its corporate purpose, such as applying personal safety. So data will be used only in order to comply with the development of said corporate purpose. The personal Data that Bike Multi Activity has or and will have in the future could be treated to fulfill the aforementioned purpose and, in addition, to provide its clients and third parties with information about its services.

Authorization Picture Management by Bike Multi Activity: I authorize Bike Multi Activity to use the images that were taken in the activities of tourism, biking, hiking or canyoning which I authorize to be used for the purpose of documenting and communicating information via whatsapp or email. The pictures can also be part of commercial events offered by the company and might be reproduced and published in printed, electronic media and also may be used for advertising, national and international marketing, performances, editions, broadcasts, phonograms or videograms. Bike Multi Activity will not be able to realize commercial exploitation of the authorized images.

I accept - I authorize

I understand and accept the risks of mountain biking or other activity such as canyoning and all other risks associated with this acticity to which I am exposed. I understand and authorize the prosessing of my personal Data solely and exclusively for the purposes described above. I also understand and authorize the use and management of my images solely and exclusively for the purposes described above. I understand and accept the sustainability conditions accepted by Bike Multi Activity for the provision of the service.

Date and Signature………………………………………………………………….


+57 314 82 29 577



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Bike multiactivity tour colombia tourismus. mountain bike tours travel agency San gil colombia

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